Secretary’s Message

I am pleased to have the opportunity to serve the Indian ASSOCIATION OF DERMATOLOGIST, VENEREOLOGISTS AND LEPROLOGISTS as its Secretary, West Bengal Branch. I am greatful for the support and affection I have received from our Dermatology fraternity. I solemnly pledge to provide my best efforts my best effort in holding our flag high. My aim is to follow the high tradition set by our respected seniors and to improve academic activities of IADVL West Bengal. I am fortunate to be a part of a fresh, completely revamped website of IADVL West Bengal branch. There are still upgradation work needed and the process is going on. We have also fully active FB page, you tube channel, where all current events are making available immediately, and living streaming of different CMEs and Webinars are going on regular basis.

Under the leadership of our President Dr. Prof. Sandipan Dhar and under the guidance of our senior members, we will deliver the best services to you. Our strong team of executive committee, different Nodal groups are working very hard, constantly to improve our association and your support and blessings are our motivation.

Thank you and warm regards.

Long live IADVL.
Dr. Suchibrata Das
Hony. Secretary